Self-Care is Critical for You and Your Business
Photo Credit: Taryn Elliott via Pexels
Self-Care is Critical for You and Your Business
It’s hard to define self-care. But, a great way to think about it is that it is any and all of the things you do every day to keep yourself physically and emotionally well. Self-care might include anything from sleeping through the night and exercising to eliminating negative influences and changing your mindset. Today, spiritually-charged beauty brand LLIO shares some insights on why self-care matters and how to treat yourself right every day.
Self-Care and Entrepreneurs
When you run a business, your self-care efforts can’t be pushed to the side as optional. While it might feel like a very personal act, taking care of yourself affects your performance at work as well. Prolonged stress, which is often the consequence of putting yourself on the back burner, can leave you feeling run down, burnt out, and disillusioned with your career.
How to Change Things
If you don’t know where to start, you are not alone. Many people get overwhelmed at the thought of taking good care of themselves for the very first time. But, a few ideas include:
Updating your space at home. Anytime you live for a prolonged time in a single location, things like clutter and unfinished home projects begin to go unnoticed. But, while you might not acknowledge them consciously, your brain does. Evaluate your home and family. Is everyone cranky? Does your spouse/partner/children seem to have a shorter fuse than before? If so, a quick home overhaul can help. Boot the negative energy out the door by cleaning, allowing fresh air to breeze throughout your home, and getting rid of clutter, which is an impediment to positive energy.
Exercising. It should come as no surprise that exercise is one of the best self-care tactics you can employ. In a medically reviewed article for Bupa, Dr. Naveen Puri asserts that exercise can improve your mood, bolster your weight loss efforts, and even boost your energy levels. No time to go to the gym during your busy week? By simply walking more often and bypassing the elevator for the stairs, you can squeeze in fitness every day.
Pampering yourself. It’s easy to put off caring for your body when there are other seemingly more pressing matters on your mind. But the truth is that you need to indulge yourself once in a while, whether it's a simple bath with aromatics, a massage, or a pedicure. You can also buy indulgent products to use at home, like crystal elixirs from LLIO that will relax your body and refresh your spirit.
Getting more or better sleep. Chances are, you have already noticed that you feel better after a solid seven or eight hours of sleep. Unfortunately, many of us find that it difficult to settle down in the evening hours to get enough rest. Make sure to stop drinking coffee at lunch, engage in relaxing activities before bed, and steer clear of alcohol in the evening hours. It can also help to use blackout curtains and a noise machine to drown out distractions.
Saving time at work. Although many of your self-care measures will initiate at home, there are also things you can do during the day at work to improve your mental and physical health. One of these is to hire an outside hand to help you handle time-consuming tasks. You can find help developing your website, answering telephones, or doing simple paperwork online through freelance platforms. You might also consider hiring someone to come in part-time to free you up for managerial duties that you might otherwise overlook.
Producing less paper clutter. Whether at work or at home, generating less clutter will leave you with less stress. If you’re in the habit of printing emails, it can be difficult to transition to digital documents if you’re not sure what to do. To keep emails available offline to reference later, first save it as a PDF first. It only takes a few simple steps. Then you’ll be able to file it in an easily accessible folder on your phone or computer when you need to find it later. Plus, you reduce the cost and clutter associated with printing out important emails.
Investing in your community. One of the best ways to improve your outlook and perspective is by getting involved in the needs of your community. For instance, you could start a nonprofit, which helps those around you while also improving the reputation of you and your business. And if you streamline your nonprofit as much as possible, especially by investing in an accounting system for nonprofits, you can save yourself a lot of time.
At the close of each business day, your goal is to be as enthusiastic as you were that morning. And, aside from watching your sales grow, keeping yourself in top shape is the best way to achieve this goal. From making simple changes at home, such as cleaning and decluttering, to outsourcing some of your work responsibilities, everything you do that benefits your body, mind, and soul, is self-care. And take the time to get some rest and refresh your body and spirit with LLIO crystal charged essential oils. You work hard to take care of everything and everyone else. Now it’s time to prioritize your own self-care.