Manifest miracles 9-day challenge

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We would love you to join LLIO for a 9-day challenge to welcome self-love, love and miracles into your life. We have simple tasks or affirmations for 9-days to read anytime you need to kick start yourself. Today is day 1, the task is to write down the affirmation

“I am committed to creating the best 2020 possible, I open my heart and mind to 2020 love and miracles. I am committed to making all my hopes, dreams and wishes come true and smother all my fears with the light of love.”

You will need a lovely note-pad for the 9 day challenge.

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DREAM BIG! The Universe is abundant and all you wish to achieve is possible. Write a list, a shopping list to the Universe of everything you would love to achieve for 2020. Write down all your hopes and wishes for 2020 (be realistic but remember to go for it). You can achieve anything you hope for, write down all your wildest dreams but know you need to take ‘action’ to get there! Make a vision board and get truly creative about everything you would love to attract into your life…

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You won’t achieve your dreams if you carry fears! LLIO would like you to get uncomfortable today and acknowledge negativities and release them. When you are filled with self-doubt, hate and fear, you can’t focus on love and miracles. Write down all you’re fears and anything that causes anxiety on a piece of paper. Write down anything you are worried about such as “my business will fail,” “I will never get married,” “I will never get my dream job.” Once all these fears are acknowledged on paper, write next to each one, “I acknowledge this fear but it does not serve me.” – then rip up the piece of paper and let all your fears go. Throw the paper in a river and see then float away or get picked up by the bin-man. Any negative emotions you have will only sabotage your hopes and dreams so it’s time to release and let them go. You can also write a list or people you hold any negatively towards, perhaps an ‘energy vampires’ in your life, anyone you have obsessive thoughts about, unresolved emotions or feel hurt by. This task might feel uncomfortable but you want to cut the bad energy you feel associated with them by sending them a blessing and releasing any negative emotions.

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To welcome miracles and self-love into your life, you need to love yourself and make self-care a priority, we’d love to see you treating yourself as a priority every-day. Taking a bath with essential oils is an act of luxury for yourself, you need to feel your best self and take care of yourself to make that shift to miracles and self-love… @LLIO.LOVE is always on hand to help with loving yourself more. Take a lovely LLIO essential oil bath and say an affirmation…

“I love myself unconditionally, I am proud of myself and accomplishments, I respect myself and treat myself with kindness and love.”

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It’s time for an affirmation, write in your journal.

“I completely surrender to the Universe, I welcome in a new loving perspective and I am fully committed to letting go of old limiting beliefs, I fully commit to changing my fears to love.”

When you want to attract in positivity and love, you literally have to surrender to the universe and let the Universe know.

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day 6

Today, we will focus on gratitude, being grateful for everything you experience brings an enormous shift in energy. Make a list everything you are grateful for in your life and why. Recognise all the good and positive you have in life, all the beauty that surrounds you. During your day, find as many things to be grateful for, make an endless list of physical, mental, emotional and spiritual things you are grateful for. We just love to focus on being grateful and gratitude, write a list of friends who you are grateful for and why. We invite you to comment on this post and tag your friend in and tell them why you are grateful for them. We would be grateful to hear who you are grateful as a friend in your life and why at the bottom of this post….

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Pamper yourself with something you love and enjoy and feel completely worthy to receive, enjoy the luxury of a essential oil bath with LLIO. Feel worthy and enjoy a little luxury! It’s time for an affirmation, write in your journal.

“I manifest miracles and love into my life. I attract unconditional love, blessings and abundance to me now. I expect miracles and love and I am a magnet for both, I dream, receive and I believe.”

Raise yourself worth by treating yourself like a Queen! Our LOVE YOURSELF Bath & Body oil is perfect to give yourself love today…

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Believe in abundance and karma! Write down at least 5 acts of kindness you have ever done or write down 5 items you have invested in/bought. Write down on a piece of paper,

“I hope my acts of kindness and the 5 things I have in bought come back to me 7x times.”

Watch how the day unfolds for you, you will see the abundance you put out there be returned to you 7-fold…believe in abundance!

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You are now at the end of the 9-day affirmation, CONGRATULATIONS. We hope the 9-days has taught you that self-love and loving yourself is the most important thing in life. When you love yourself you welcome in miracles, love and realise the world is abundant. We hope you can achieve everything you wish for in 2020 and we end the challenge with an affirmation to repeat to yourself daily!

“I am a loving being and miracle magnet. My life is full of abundance, every-day I attract health, love, wealth and success into my life. I will achieve all my wishes and hopes and dreams and live a life of abundance”